The best prospecting messages for recruitment agencies

The best prospecting messages for recruitment agencies
Best Sales messages for recruiting agencies

Finding customers isn't easy during cold prospection... But a few tips can help you book more appointments, faster!

Use job postings, for example, to find out which companies are currently recruiting: these are your prospects.

Find here a way to generate lists of companies hiring in just a few clicks.

To get in touch with them, you'll find below a collection of the best prospecting templates that convert!

Prospecting sequences on LinkedIn

Start by sending a request for invitation to companies recruiting for the position(s) you specialize in.

I advise you not to include an invitation note: the acceptance rate will be better.

On average +46% acceptance rate if you don't include an invitation note (source).

Linkedin - Example 1

1st message

Hello {{firstname}},

I've noticed that you're currently recruiting a {{job_name}}: you're building a great team at {{company_name}}!

Have you found the right profile?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

You're on LinkedIn: the first message should be short.

The aim is to qualify the prospect, to find out whether the company might be interested in your services.

Start by initiating a discussion and creating trust before selling your services.

2nd Message - Reminder

Hello {{firstname}},

I hope your {{job_name}} recruitment is going well!

This is not necessarily an easy position to fill, as it's in high demand at the moment...

At {{your_company}}, we specialize in {{job_name}} recruitment.

Would you be available to discuss and speed up your recruitment with us?

The aim of the follow-up is to provide the prospect with more information, inviting him or her to follow up the conversation.

Here, we focus on the pain point, because we know that the company is recruiting at the moment: the difficulty of finding good profiles in a given timeframe.

3rd Message - Second reminder

Hello {{firstname}},

One last message and I won't bother you anymore :)

I'm sharing with you some of {{your_company}}'s great successes in recruiting {{job_name}}:


If you're interested in meeting and discussing your recruitment project: I'm at your disposal!

My shared agenda to find a moment together: {{shared_agenda_link}}

This is a second follow-up message: keeping a light tone and a touch of humor is often effective.

Always with the idea of adding value between each message: sharing customer use cases allows your prospect to project himself.

Linkedin - Example 2

1st message

Hello {{firstname}},

Looking to expand your {{job_name}} team?

If you're looking to meet some great candidates fast, we can probably help :)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

We opt for a very direct first approach, while contextualizing the message.

2nd message - Reminder

Hi {{firstname}},

We specialize in recruiting the best {{job_name}} teams for companies in the {{company_industry}}.

I'd be delighted to show you how we work at {{your_comapny}} to recruit the best candidates!

Do you have any availability in the next few days?

Mention your expertise in your prospect's sector to lend credibility to your message and reassure your prospect.

3rd message - Second reminder

Hello {{firstname}},

Finally (and I'll stop invading your linkedin box):

We've carried out {{recruitment_volume}} recruitments of {{job_name}} over the last few months for clients like {{client_list}}.

Find below a testimonial on one of our great success stories:{{client_use_case}}

I'd be delighted to talk to you about speeding up your recruitment together!

My shared agenda for finding a slot together{{shared_agenda_link}}

Including statistics demonstrating the quality of your services enables your prospects to objectify their ROI and encourages them to contact you.

Mail prospecting sequences

Unlike LinkedIn, e-mail is not an instant messenger, so you can create messages with more context.

Be careful, however, to remain concise: assume that your prospect has a lot of e-mails to deal with - he probably doesn't have much time for you.

Keep in mind the K.I.S.S. method: Keep It Simple and Stupid.

Mail - Example 1

1st message

Subject: recruiting a {{job_name}} on {{job_location}}

Hello {{firstname}},

I've noticed that you're recruiting a {{job_name}} right now: you're building a great team at {{company_name}}!

Have you been able to find the right profile?

At {{your_company}} we specialize in recruiting the best {{job_name}} for companies in the {{company_industry}}.

I'd be delighted to talk to you about speeding up your recruitment: do you have any availability in the next few days?

Looking forward to hearing from you!


We use context here: the company is recruiting at the moment, so you can probably offer your services.

Mentioning your expertise in your prospect's sector will help legitimize your message.

You'll notice that the subject line begins with a lowercase letter, as if it were a typo: this is deliberate, and gives the impression that the message was written by a human being, and that it didn't come out of an automated sequence ;)

2nd message - Reminder

Subject: Re: recruiting a {{job_name}} on {{job_location}}

Hello {{firstname}},

I haven't heard back from you - guess you must be busy :)

Relevant to discuss how we could help you find the best {{job_name}} for {{company_name}}?


Perhaps the person you're talking to hasn't had time to process the e-mail.

By sending a very short message, and therefore very quick to process, you encourage your prospect to reply.

3rd message - Second reminder

Subject: top talent for {{company_name}}

Hello {{firstname}},

One last message and I won't bother you anymore :)

I'm sharing some of our great success stories on {{job_name}} recruitment:{{use_cases_link}}

We've recruited over {{recruitment_volume}} {{job_name}}!

I'd be delighted to talk to you to find out more about {{company_name}} and help you speed up your recruitment process :)

My shared agenda for finding a moment together: {{shared_agenda_link}}


Conclude your sequence by sharing your company's recruitment successes, to encourage your contact to make an appointment.

If your prospect doesn't have the need this time, leave the door open as soon as the need reappears!

Mail - Example 2

1st message

Re: the best {{job_name}} for {{company_name}}

Hello {{firstname}},

You're currently recruiting the best {{job_name}} for {{company_name}}?

After recruiting {{recruitment_volume}} {{job_name}}, we've figured out how to identify and recruit the best profiles quickly :)

I'd be delighted to talk to you about how to speed up your recruitment: are you available in the next few days?

I look forward to hearing from you!


2nd message - Reminder

Subject: recruiting a {{job_name}} on {{job_location}}

Hello {{firstname}},

I'd like to share with you one of our success stories in recruiting {{job_name}}:


I haven't heard back from you - I imagine you must be quite busy :)

Would it be a good idea to discuss how we could help you recruit the best {{job_name}}?


Here we share a use case to legitimize our approach, ending with a "call to action".

3rd message - Second reminder

Subject: the best talents for {{company_name}}

Hello {{firstname}},

Looking forward to your return if you have already found the right person, in which case I congratulate you!

And if not, well I may have the solution for you :)

My shared agenda to find a moment together: {{shared_agenda_link}}


Leave a door open by keeping a positive note in this last reminder.

What tools should you use?

To find prospects and launch your campaigns:

  • Use Mantiks to find out which companies are recruiting and contact the right decision-maker.
  • Automate your LinkedIn and/or email prospecting sequence with :

-> Leonar: CRM and prospecting tool for recruitment agencies

-> Waalaxy: a pure player (dare I say pioneer) in the automation of multi-channel prospecting campaigns

-> Lagrowthmachine: High-quality alternative to Waalaxy, with excellent campaign tracking and other features.

A few closing tips

  • Target your prospects precisely: good prospecting starts with good targeting.
  • Adapt to the person you're talking to: if you're approaching startups, it's best to be on first-name terms. For large groups, it's debatable! Perhaps being on first-name terms will help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Cold call: if you don't get a response, you can follow up with a call. Your prospect probably knows you, given your prospecting sequence.
  • Social Warming: Comment on your prospects' LinkedIn posts, and they'll identify you early on in the sequence - you won't be a stranger when you first post.
  • Contact your prospects when they need you, and don't hesitate to be original in your approach to stand out from the crowd!

Bonus πŸ’Ž

You thought it was over?

Well, no! Here's a list of first teaser messages to vary your approach

😁 The funny one

Hello {{firstname}},

I'm sending you this e-mail because I think {{company_name}} + {{your_company}} = πŸ’–

Here are some reasons why you should choose {{your_company}} to recruit your {{job_name}} :

1. I sincerely believe that we can find the ideal candidate, saving you 50% of your search time.

2. I'll sleep better tonight

3. My boss will be happy and may give me a raise

Would you be available this Friday at 3:31 pm, for example? If not, who is the right person to contact?

See you soon,


🀝 The genuine

Hello {{firstname}},

This is a cold email, but first I'd like to introduce myself!

My name is {{your_firstname}} and I'm a recruiter at {{your_company}}.

I came across your company's profile on {{job_board}}, and saw that you have a {{job_name}} vacancy for which we have potential candidates.

I'd be delighted to help you find the best {{job_name}}: would you be available for a chat?


😎 Straightforward

Hello {{firstname}},

I saw that you're recruiting a {{job_name}} right now.

At {{your_company}}, we specialize in recruiting the best {{job_name}} (here's some feedback from our customers {{client_use_cases}}).

Available for exchange?


πŸͺ„ The magic

Hello {{firstname}},

You are currently recruiting a {{job_name}}.

We guarantee to find the right person in 59 minutes - watch in hand!

... And no, recruitment isn't magic πŸͺ„

But we've been doing it for a while at {{your_company}}, and we do it well!

I think we can help you find the right candidates more quickly: are you available to exchange {{your_name}} ?

We look forward to hearing from you!


Mantiks helps recruitment agencies to place 3x faster their candidates by finding instantly the contact of companies recruiting.