How to Scrape Job Postings : 2024 Guide, Methods & Tools

Job scraping job postings : guide, methods and tools.
Job scraping job postings data in 2024 : guide, methods and tools.

Job scraping automates the extraction of job postings data from job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and company career sites. This process, known as automated job board scraping, helps businesses gathering data, including job details such as titles and descriptions, for recruitment processes, lead generation, and market analysis. It benefits not only recruiters but also industries like IT services, software development, and HR tech.

So where do you start with job scraping? There are many ways to scrape job posting data. To get the data you need you need such a tool and methods for your goals. Let’s dive into the best solutions to turn job data into actionable insights.

If you want to skip ahead definitions, purpose and challenges : directly click here to see the 8 best methods for scraping job data in 2024.

What is Job Scraping?

Definition and Purpose of Job Scraping

Job scraping, also known as web scraping job postings, is the process of extracting job posting data from multiple online sources like job boards, company career sites and job aggregator websites. The purpose of job scraping is to get job data efficiently and build a useful job database that can be displayed and used.

Scrape job postings involves using web scraper or algorithms to navigate through websites, identify job postings and extract specific data points like job titles, descriptions, locations and salaries. This data can then be stored in a structured desired format so it’s easily accessible and analizable.

The purpose of web scraping is to provide a complete and up to date database of job openings to :

  • Generate Leads
  • Find top talent and speed up the hiring process
  • Analyze job market trends and salary benchmarks
  • Make informed career decisions based on market trends and salary data
  • Support market research and competitive analysis

By using job scraping, businesses and job seekers can get valuable insights into the ever-evolving job market and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

What is Job Postings Data (with Job Openings) and Why is it Valuable?

What is Job Postings Data?

Job posting data is the information found in job listings or ads, job titles, descriptions, locations, salaries and other relevant details. This data can be extracted from multiple online sources like job portals, company career sites and personal job aggregator websites. Through job data extraction, businesses and individuals can gather all the data they need to understand the job market and make informed decisions.

Job Postings Data example: structure and fields
Job Postings Data example: structure and fields

Job Postings Structure and Fields

A typical job posting has the following fields:

  • Job title: Job role description
  • Job description: Job responsibilities and requirements
  • Job posting date: Date on which the job offer was published.
  • Location: Job location
  • Salary: Salary or hourly rate
  • Job type: Full-time, part-time or contract
  • Industry: Industry or sector
  • Company: The company offering the job

These fields give a complete overview of the job opportunity so job seekers can find jobs that match their skills and preferences during their job search.

Why is Scraping Job Data Valuable?

For businesses, the primary purpose of job scraping is to get leads from the scraped data from job posting data. This means finding decision makers and their contact details. But direct contact information is rarely found in Job posting data. Analyzing job trends can give insights into into the in-demand skills and help in building recruitment strategies.

Besides lead generation job scraping offers:

  • Aggregating job listings: Get data from multiple job portals in one place.
  • Save time: Automate job board scraper, reduce manual work.
  • Better job matching: Match candidates with job opportunities better.
  • Quick updates: Get real-time job data for faster decisions.
  • Analyzing competition: Monitor competitors’ hiring trends and strategies.
  • Improved recruitment: Leverage complete data for recruitment.

Challenges in Web Scraping: Data Quality, Anti scraping techniques, and Dynamic Boards

Web scraping job boards poses several challenges, including:

  • Data quality issues: Job boards may have data quality issues like duplicate listings, incorrect formatting and missing information. These issues can affect the accuracy and reliability of the scraped data and need additional data cleaning and preprocessing.
  • Anti scraping techniques: Job board websites use anti-scraping techniques like CAPTCHA and IP blocking to stop automated tools from extracting their data. Many scrapers rely on proxy services, which help them avoid getting blocked and continue gathering the information they need.
  • Dynamic boards: Many job portals use dynamic content like JavaScript and AJAX to load job postings. This makes it difficult for traditional scrapers to extract data as they need to render the dynamic content.

To overcome these challenges, web scrapers can use various techniques, such as:

  • Data cleaning and preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the scraped data to remove duplicates, correct formatting and fill in missing information.
  • Anti-scraping evasion techniques: Use techniques like rotating user agents, IP addresses and cookies to evade anti-scraping measures.
  • Advanced scraping techniques: Use advanced scraping techniques like rendering JavaScript and handling AJAX requests to extract data from dynamic boards.

By addressing these challenges businesses can ensure the accuracy and reliability of their scraped data and make informed decisions and get valuable insights.

8 Most Used Job scraping methods in 2024 : Pros and Cons

The goal : scraping job details to get contact lead

Scrape job postings involves many methods and processes. Job board and job application varies depending on the needs and specific scrapers used. Here are some popular scrapping techniques for jobs:

Do it yourself methods

1. Manual Job Extraction

Manual job extraction involves manually extracting job data from job portals which can be time consuming and laborious. This method is used for small scale data extraction or for extracting data from job boards that don’t allow automated scraping.

However, if you're reading this article, you're likely looking to automate this process because it's time-consuming, tedious, or requires too many resources. We've all been there ! Automate job scraping is definitively a more effective solution for long-term success.

Pros: No technical skills needed, useful for small-scale data
Cons: Time-consuming, prone to error, not scalable.

While manual job extraction can be useful for small scale or specific data needs, automating the process is often more efficient and scalable for long term.

2. Scraping Job Posting Using Python: Programmatic From Scratch

Scrape data using Python helps businesses automate the extraction of job postings data from sites like LinkedIn or Indeed. When collecting data from websites, an algorithm simulates a human by searching for job data. After loading the page, it retrieves the HTML structure, and through parsing, it extracts specific information like company details (company name...). Python can be used to scrape job details such as titles and descriptions from job portals, utilizing libraries like Requests, BeautifulSoup, and Pandas.

How it works: To give a basic idea, here’s a simplified steps to job scraping using Python:

  1. Set up the Python environment by installing libraries like requests and BeautifulSoup to handle HTTP requests and parse HTML content.
  2. Send an HTTP request to a job board's URL to retrieve the web page content.
  3. Parse the HTML to extract key job postings data such as job descriptions, company names, and URLs.
  4. Store the extracted data in a format, like a CSV file, for further analysis.

Example pseudo-code for scraping job postings:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Send a request to the job board
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)

# Parse the HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# Extract titles
for job in soup.find_all('h2', class_='jobTitle'):

This is just an introduction to how job scraping works. As discussed earlier, there are many challenges, without even mentioning the need to organize and display this data in Google sheets, Notion, or integrate output datas into internal software systems, which complicates the process further.

Pros: Customizable, cost-effective for large-scale scraping.
Cons: Requires technical skills, maintenance is complex.

Use this tools: Python, requests, BeautifulSoup...

Partially or Fully Delegate

3. Using Web Scraping APIs to scrap Job Boards

Web Scraping APIs is a way to extract job postings relevant data without building a custom scraper. An API (Application Programming Interface) allows you to request specific data like job descriptions and company details from job boards. The API will deliver the job data in a structured format like JSON or XML making the process faster

How it works: You send a request to the API, it will retrieve the job postings data for you. This eliminates the need for complex scraping infrastructure and handling HTML. For job scraping this simplifies the process, making it perfect for businesses that need data collection.

Pros: Fast setup, scalable, easy to use.
Cons: Limited customization, cost depends on API provider.

Use this tools: Mantiks API, Zyte API, ScraperAPI (Oxylab), Octoparse API, DataMiner API, Apify, Zenscrape,...

4. Using Headless - Headful Browser Extensions

Headless browsers automate job scraping by simulating user interactions on job boards without a graphical interface. They handle dynamic content like job descriptions that load via JavaScript.

Headful Browser extensions allow non-developers to capture job postings data directly from web pages without coding.

How it works: A headless browser automates the process of navigating job boards by simulating a real user. It can visit pages, click buttons, scroll through listings, and load dynamic content, such as job listing that rely on JavaScript.

Unlike regular browsers, it operates without a visual interface, meaning it runs in the background and extracts job postings data directly from the loaded content.

Pros: Easy to use, handles dynamic content.
Cons: Resource-intensive, less scalable.

Use this Tools: Headless : Puppeteer, Selenium... Headful : DataMiner, Web Scraper,...

5. ChatGPT for Job Scraping

ChatGPT can’t scrape live job data directly (since its knowledge base is up to 2021) but can be very helpful for tasks related to job scraping. As a large language model (LLM) ChatGPT can help you write web scraping scripts, generate Python code and help you analyze, format or present job postings data once extracted.

How it works:

  1. Generating custom scripts: You can ask ChatGPT to write a Python script using libraries like BeautifulSoup and Selenium to scrape job boards and extract job postings data.
  2. Processing Data: Once you’ve scraped the data you can use ChatGPT to help clean, organize and format it for human readable output—whether it’s summarizing insights or structuring data for reporting.
  3. Assisting with Analysis: ChatGPT can help you extract key insights from job data you input into the system, so you can analyze trends in job listings like skills in demand or salary benchmarks.
Pros: Useful for code generation, data analysis.
Cons: Limited data, cannot scrape in real-time.

6. Buying Job Databases (Job DataSet)

Buying job databases from DAAS (Data as a service) provider is a quick way to get pre-scraped job postings data without building or maintaining a job scraping system. This way businesses can buy datasets containing job titles, descriptions, company details and other important information from multiple job boards and avoid the technical challenges of web scraping.

Job Dataset Example with Scraping Job details like Job title, jobdescription, company name, location, publication date,...

How it works: Companies buy ready made job postings data from third-party providers. These datasets cover multiple online platforms and are updated regularly. Instead of scraping job themselves, businesses get structured job postings data to use immediately for analysis, recruitment or market research.

Pros: Instant access, covers multiple job boards.
Cons: Expensive, no customization.

Use this Tools: Mantiks, Bright Data, Datarade

7. Hire a Web Scraping Human Resource (Freelance, etc.)

Hiring a web scraping expert, like a freelancer, allows businesses to outsource the job scraping process and get custom built solutions for extracting job postings data. This is ideal for companies that need specialized or flexible scraping setup without in-house development skills.

Pros: Custom solutions, no in-house expertise required.
Cons: Costly, dependent on freelancer availability.

8. All-In-One SaaS Job scraper

An all-in-one SaaS scraping tool makes job scraping easy from multiple job boards. These tools automate the job scraping process by handling complex tasks like data parsing, proxy servers and CAPTCHAs so businesses can get job titles, descriptions and company details.

How it works: This tool automates job board scraping by crawling websites, extracting job postings data and organizing it into a structured format.

Pros: No technical skills required, scalable.
Cons: Subscription costs, less customization.

Use this Tool: Mantiks

Unlike most tools, Mantiks gives you access to decision-makers details along with job data in real time but also historical job data to track and analyze job market trends.

Plus it lets you identify and monitor hiring intent from your own clients so you can easily contact them at right time to upsell your services or product.

Save time, streamline your outreach and get deeper insights with Mantiks :

Scraping methods Comparison : choose the best data extraction method for you

Scrape job postings is for collecting job postings data. The choice of method depends on cost, scalability, ease of implementation, maintenance and accessible data.

Here’s a comparison of 8 job scraping methods:

If you’re looking for quick and efficient job data extraction, Web Scraping APIs and All-In-One SaaS Tools are the top picks, scoring 4.5/5. They handle large volumes of data with ease and require little setup or maintenance.

For those who prefer more control, Python scraping offers high customizability (4.0/5), but it does require technical skills and can be very challenging and time consuming. On the other hand, buying pre-scraped job databases gives you instant access to vast amounts of data (4.0/5), though it comes with a hefty price tag.

Where to Scrap? Job Board Scraping Data Sources

Job postings data is important for businesses to understand the job market, generate leads and optimize recruitment processes. Scraping job boards gives you access to this data and you can extract insights.

Job listing data sources : Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor, Welcome to the Jungle
Job listing data sources : Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor, Welcome to the Jungle

Here’s a quick look at the most popular data sources for job scraping.

FAQ : Job Scraping Job Postings Data

Which method is the most efficient for scraping job offers across multiple platforms?

Web Scraping APIs and All-In-One SaaS Scraping Tools are the best as they handle large scale data with minimal setup. They are more scalable and reliable than manual scraping or building custom job scraper.

Can I combine methods for scraping ?

Yes, combining methods like Web Scraping APIs and Python scripting can optimize efficiency, scalability and data accuracy. Each method has its strengths.

Is web scraping job postings legal?

The legality depends on the website’s terms of service and local laws. While scraping public web data is generally legal, using the data without permission or violating site policies might get you legal risks.

What Tools simplify Job scraping ?

Job board scrapers like Mantiks, simplify job scraping by automating the process and providing structured data with contact information.

About the author

Alexandre Chirié

Alexandre Chirié

CEO of Mantiks

Alexandre Chirié is the co-founder and CEO of Mantiks. With a strong engineering background from Centrale, Alexandre has specialized in job postings data, signal identification, and real-time job market insights. His work focuses on reducing time-to-hire and improving recruitment strategies by enabling access to critical contact information and market signals.